Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Corned Beef Hash and Eggs

Very tasty, and very filling. Even the small amount we typically eat was enough to fill our stomachs to the brim, but what do you expect from eggs and hash? It is pretty simple, all you need is some leftover corned beef and leftover mashed potatoes.

First, slice up an onion in thin lengths, and saute in a little peanut oil and about a quarter cup of water. As the water evaporates, the onions should sweeten and brown nicely. Mix the onions together with the leftover mashed potatoes and cubed cornedbeef, adjusting the ratio on your tastes. Season with a good amount of ground black pepper.

Form patties, and place in hot skillet with a little peanut oil. Fry on one side for 5-8 minutes or until the one side is crispy, then flip. As the second side cooks, make an indent on the top of each patty (fairly deep and wide) and crack one egg on each patty. Cover the skillet and cook until the egg whites are set, and the yolks still runny. Search immediately.

Bonus: We served this with green beans and a tarragon butter sauce. The tarragon sauce was excellent with the eggs and hash itself, but maybe a little obsessive if that's all you eat. Go with the green beans as well.